Products |
Manufactured from ductile iron with anti slip design to tread, to
BS 1247 part 1 1990. All step irons are hot dip galvanised to BS
EN 1461:1999. Double steps have a raised side to prevent foot slippage.
For specification and order purposes please use following product
- Single Step (115 mm tail) CSIEPB - Single Step Bolt on type
CSTEP2 - Single Step (225mm tail) 'For access ladder please see
our fabricated steel products brochure.
CSTEP5 - Double Step (225mm tail (not illustrated)
Coated Step Irons
Polypropylene copolymer plastic completely encapsulating either
structural carbon steel (bright yellow plastic coating) or grade
316 stainless steel (green plastic coating). All types manufactured
to BS 1247 part 2 1990 and WIS 4-33o01:1990. Single or double steps
are available for building into chambers or fitting to existing
chambers. For specification and order purposes please use following
product codes. For brickwork - to be built in
- Single Step -Carbon steel (Yellow) PSTEP25 - Double Step -Stainless
Steel (Green)
PSTEP2 - Double Step - Carbon steel (Yellow) For post fittings to
concrete chambers please ask sales office
PSTEP15 - Single Step - stainless Steel (Green) for details.
A range of penstocks manufactured from grey iron to B51452. These
are suitable for a duty of 5 metre head 'on-seating' and 2.5 metre
head 'off-seating'. Penstocks can be arranged for fixing to walls,
thimbles, pipes etc. For specification purposes please use ugs code
PEN/ and suffix with dimension required. ie PEN/225
Flap Valves
Ductile Iron, double hung tidal flap valves with stainless steel hinge
pins. Non ferrous valve seats are machined to give superior surface
finish. Suitable for both wall and pipe fixing. For specification
and order purposes use code TIDE/and suffix with dimension required.
ie TIDE/150
Galvanised steel sealing plate fitted to the underside of the access
cover. The plate is bolted to a subframe, which is fitted with a neoprene
seal. Prevents the ingress of surface water and the egress of odours
at normal atmospheric pressure. For specification and order purposes
please suffix product code with /SP ie KD14/SP
High security hinged galvanised mild steel grille, complete with hasp
and staple for a user/authority padlock to help prevent un-authorized
access. For specification and order purposes please suffix product
code with /SCG. ie KD10/SCG
Standard safety grid designed to prevent the access cover accidentally
falling into the chamber when being lifted. The grid is suspended
below the access cover. For specification and order purposes please
suffix product code with/SG. ie KD62C/SG
L/KEY - Light duty type lifting key (T.key type)
H/KEY - Heavy duty type lifting key (Hoop handle)
LH/KEY - Heavy duty long handled type lifting key (Hoop handle) "Special
lifting keys available.
Most products are available fitted with stainless steel locking screws/bolts.
Alien head type are also available. For specification and order purposes
please suffix product code with/L for standard screws and /LA for
alien key head, ie KD33-405/LA
High Security Locking
The majority of products are also available with security hex-pin
locking screws which require a special ratchet bit to operate. For
specification and order purposes please suffix product code with/Hpin
for hexpin screws and /Tpin for torx-pin screws. (See illustration
on page 8). ie KD33-40S/Hpin
Locking Minitry & Home Office
The majority of products are also available with high security locking
screws which require a special key to operate. For specification and
order purposes please suffix product code with/SEC. ie KD60C/SEC
Bedding mortar, a rapid setting polyester resin compound that meets
the requirements of HA104/02. When this mortar is combined with Ultra
products It gives a complete system that meets the requirements of
HA104/02. Ultra products along with this mortar will help prevent
the premature failure of the ironwork installation and hence give
an excellent overall whole life product cost. The polyester resin
bedding mortar is a two component system consisting of a liquid resin
and a powder hardener, which can be mixed in varying ratios to accommodate
a wide variety of applications. The mortar demonstrates high early
strength gain and hence prevents failure through early loading from
traffic. The material may also be used for bedding of kerbs, paviors
or sets where speed is of paramount importance. Product code: MH-LEV/13/
& Air Release Holes
Access covers drilled with six number 19mm diameter holes per unit.
This increases proportionally for twin and triple units. Venting to
BS EN124 also available.
For specification and order purposes please suffix product code with/V19
Badging available includes. GAS, CAN, FH, AV, SV, WO, SW, FW, WATER,
is available upon request. For specification and order purposes please
suffix product code with the name of the badge required/GAS. ie KB3D/GAS |