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Manhole Rings Data
Available Depth of section in mm Wall thickness Lifting holes Approx Weight (incl steps)
DN 250 500 750 1000 mm N°×Ø kg/m
900 70 2×40 520
1050 80 2×40 680
1200 90 2×40 875
1350 95 2×40 1025
1500 100 2×40 1215
1800   115 3×45 1730
2100   125 4×45 2185
2400   140 3×50 2700
2700   175 4×50 3800
3000   210 4×50 5050


Soakaway Rings Data
Perforations per section (75mm Ø)
  0.5m deep 0.75 deep 1.0m deep
DN Rows Perfs. per Row Rows Perfs. per Row Rows Perfs. per Row
900 2 3 3 3 4 3
1050 2 3 3 3 4 3
1200 2 4 3 4 4 4
1350 2 4 3 4 4 4
1500 2 5 3 5 4 5
1800 2 6 3 6 4 6
2100 2 6 3 6 4 6
2400 2 7 3 7 4 7
2700 2 8 3 8 4 8
3000 2 9 3 9 4 9






Cover Slabs Data
Manhole Overall
Effective Thickness Access size for Manhole depth Approx Weight
DN 'A' mm 'B' mm <1.5mm >=1.5m kg
900 1118 135 600 ×600C 600 ×600C 215
1050 1358 135 750 × 750C 750 × 750C 330
1200 1538 135 750 × 600E 750 × 600E 480
1350 1607 160 1200 × 675C 1200 × 675E 740
1500 1789 160 1200 × 675C 750 × 600E 925
1800 2130 200 1200 × 675E 750 × 600E 1625
2100 2450 200 1200 × 675E 750 × 600E 2250
2400 2780 200 1200 ×675E 750 × 600E 2865
2700 3175 205 1200 × 675E 750 × 600E 3800
3000 3350 200 1200 × 675E 750 ×600E 4970






Seating Rings Data
Manhole Access Size and Position for manhole Depth
DN <1.5m >= 1.5m
900 600 × 600 Central 600 × 600 Cenral
1050 750 × 750 Central 600 × 600 Central
1200 750 × 600 Central 600 × 600 Central
600 × 600 Eccentric
1350 - 3000 1200 × 675 Central 600 × 600 Central
600 × 600 Eccentric





Concrete Pipes Data
  Pipe Dimensions Class H
Nominal Size Effective Length External Diameter Wall Thickness
Socket Barrel
DN 'A'mm 'B'mm 'C'mm 'D'mm
300 2500 487 410 55
375 2500 562 485 55
450 2500 670 578 64
525 2500 792 669 72
600 2500 876 768 84
675 2500 968 825 75
750 2500 1056 910 80
825 2500 1130 975 85
900 2500 1248 1080 90
1050 2500 1436 1260 105
1200 2500 1616 1440 120
1350 2500 1740 1680 150
1500 2500 1950 1800 150
1600 2500 1980 1920 160
1800 2500 2220 2160 180
2000 2400 2460 2400 200
2200 2320 2640 2640 220
2400 2400 2840 2840 220






Universal Junction Data
Nominal Size of Main Pipe Effective Length of Universal Junction Distance to Seal Centre
DN 'A'mm 'B'mm
300 600 225
375 600 225
450 600 225
525 600 260
600 600 250
675 1000 450
750 1000 450
825 1000/2500 570
900 1000/2500 550
1050 1000/2500 550
1200 1000/2500 550
1350 1250/2500 525
1500 1250/2500 550
1600 1250/2500 550
1800 1250/2500 505
2000 2400 505
2200 2320 505
2400 2400 505