Note that throughout this section the term 'separator' is used instead of the term 'interceptor'.
Surface water drains normally discharge to a watercourse or indirectly into underground waters (groundwater) via a soakaway. Contamination of surface water by oil, chemicals or suspended solids can cause these discharges to have a serious impact on the receiving water.
Oil separators are installed on surface water drainage systems to protect receiving waters from pollution by oil, which may be present due to minor leaks from vehicles and plant, from accidental spillage or due to deliberate and illegal tipping into drains.
For further detailed information, please consult the Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guideline No. 3. (PPG 3) "Use and design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems" available from their website.
Klargester Environmental has a specialist team who provide technical assistance in selecting the appropriate Separator for your application. |