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 - K-Lite
 - Kassel Kerb
 - Trief Kerb
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Trief® Kerb

The ultimate in visual and
physical deterrent

The famous Trief Kerb was first introduced to the UK in 1962 and
ever since has made a substantial contribution to traffic control
and safety on our roads.

For highway applications where the
highest level of visual and physical
deterrence is essential, the original
Trief Kerb is the obvious choice. Its
dependability has been demonstrated
repeatedly in use, proving that its
single-unit design is the best available
and significantly increases road

Multiple uses

Designed for all environments
where the need to contain vehicles
is paramount, the Trief Kerb
delivers proven safety on major
highways, service stations,
warehouses, dockyards and other
areas. The versatile Trief Kerb:

  • Prevents... vehicles from
    accidentally leaving the
    carriageway, encroaching onto
    roundabouts and other areas
    and parking randomly
  • Controls... by forming traffic
    management and calming
    measures such as roadside
    vertical deflections and
    pedestrian refuges
  • Protects... by safeguarding
    verges and landscaped areas
    from vehicle and pedestrian
    incursion, shielding structures in
    heavy traffic areas, protecting
    petrol islands and people and
    parapets on bridges
  • Deters... by creating an
    imposing visual warning that
    prompts drivers to steer away



High-level safety and practicality

Design 'and

The modular design of the Trief
Kerb makes it simple to install
and use. With over 30 standard
units in the range including
quadrants and radius kerbs, a
huge variety of design layouts
can be created.

Two finishes
The Trief Kerb is available in two
finishes to create the results

Standard Finish: a natural finish                         Textured: with a subtle, slightly
with a smooth matt surface                                   aged finish to complement
                                                                            existing environments such as
                                                                             conservation and heritage




Product Specification

Trief Kerb

 Ref  Description                        Weight 
 GST 2A    
 GST 2A 914  Standard Unit 914mm long 


 GST 2A 914D  Standard Unit with Dowel Hole 914mm long


 GST 2A 455  Half Unit  455mm long


 GST 2A 455D  Half Unit with Dowel Hole  455mm long


 GST 2A 543  Short Length  543mm long


 GST 2A 669  Short Length  
669mm long


 GST 2A 386  Short Length with Splayed Ends  
386mm long


 GST 2A 582  Short Length with Splayed Ends  
582mm long


 GST 2A 876  Short Length with Splayed Ends  876mm long


 GST 2A L1HB  Tapers -Left Hand to Match Half Batter Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2A L2  Tapers -Left Hand  914mm long


 GST 2A R1 HB  Tapers -Right Hand to Match Half Batter Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2A R2  Tapers -Right Hand  914mm long


 GST 2A L1S  Tapers -Left Hand to Match Splay Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2A R1 S   Tapers -Right Hand to Match Splay Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2A EQ30  30° External Quadrant



 GST 2A EQ45  45° External Quadrant



 GST 2A EQ60  60° External Quadrant



 GST 2A EQ90  90° External Quadrant



 GST 2A IQ30  30° Internal Quadrant



 GST 2A IQ45  45° Internal Quadrant



 GST 2A IQ90  90° Internal Quadrant



 GSTA 2A CHW  Chevron White  300mm long


 GSTA 2A CHB  Chevron Black  300mm long


 GST2  Standard Unit  914mm long


 GST 2914 D  Standard Unit with Dowel Hole  914mm long


 GST 2 455  Half Unit  455mm long


 GST 2 455 D  Half Unit with Dowel Hole  455mm long


 GST 2 L1HB  Tapers -Left Hand to Match Half Batter Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2 L2  Tapers -Left Hand  914mm long


 GST 2 R1 HB  Tapers -Right Hand to Match Half Batter Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2 R2  Tapers -Right Hand  914mm long


 GST 2 L1S  Tapers -Left Hand to Match Splay Roadside Kerb  914mm long


 GST 2 R1S  Tapers -Right Hand to Match Splay Roadside Kerb  914mm long


Standard Units


The tapering Trief Kerb profile to normal Roadside kerb is completed in two units.The Trief Kerb is designed to match half batter and splayed roadside kerbs.

The Front Face of the Trief Kerb does not alter the roadside line of standard kerbs, but is built into the footway instead.

A vast range of traffic and petrol pump islands, road junctions and highway seperation points can be designed using the various quadrant units and lengths in the Trief Kerb. External Quadrany are available in 30,45,60 and 90 degree variations, all with radii of 430mm. A 90 degree internal quadrants is also available. The diagrams below illustrate the range of design that can be created using these quadrants.